Funny Male Female Plumbing Parts Memes

Plumbing is rough, exhausting work and every so often you need a break to kick back, relax, and have a good laugh. So we rounded up our 24 favorite plumbing jokes and memes to brighten your day.

1. But I see the HVAC guys do it all the time…

Nailed it… Just because the job started off messy doesn't mean it can't have a clean, professional finish. Take advantage of our free HVAC Invoice Templates here.

Plumbing Meme: But I see the HVAC guys do it all the time...

2. Somebody waited their whole life to write this serial number

Imagine calling to check on your warranty. Want to know what customers are looking for in a warranty? Check out our Warranty Guide here.

Plumbing Meme: Somebody waited their whole life to write this serial number

3. My reaction when the customer tells me they installed their own faucet

Youtube certified plumber. Now, how do I bid on plumbing jobs? Get the full Plumbing Bidding Guide here.

Plumbing Meme: My reaction when the customer tells me they installed their own faucet

4. Day one with a new tool vs. day two

That's organized if we're being honest. Ever thought about buying used tools? Here's where to get them.

Plumbing Meme: Day one with a new tool vs. day two

5. That feeling after you absolutely nail an emergency service call and save the day but your family has no clue what you're talking about

Raise your hand if your spouse could probably pass the journeyman's test.

Plumbing Meme: That feeling after you absolutely nail an emergency service call and save the day but your family has no clue what you're talking about

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6. Electricians, spotting a tub: Is this a trash can?

Truth Hertz. Know what else hertz? Finding out that you're underpaid. Use our Electrician Salaries By State Blog to see where you stand.

Plumbing Meme: Electricians, spotting a tub: Is this a trash can?

7. When you let your helper help

See also: Before the unexpected speed bump vs. after the unexpected speed bump. Need some tips on how to organize your work van? We've got a guide for that.

Plumbing Meme: When you let your helper help

8. When a plumber goes into carpentry

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Expanding your business is far easier than expanding your repertoire. Here's a simplified guide to plumbing license reciprocity in case you're looking to take your plumbing business into new territories.

Plumbing Meme: When a plumber goes into carpentry

9. When your helper moonlights as spider-man

Might be time to get a new helper. Here's a free guide full of tips and best practices to ensure you're recruiting the best talent.

Plumbing Meme: When your helper moonlights as spider-man

10. When you're the only guy on the crew that can fit into the crawlspace

Small spaces = big time back pain. Here's a guide to the most common trade health issues, and how to prevent them.

Plumbing Meme: When you're the only guy on the crew that can fit into the crawlspace

11. When your helper won't stop back-talking you

Prank idea: Toss one of these into your tools for the apprentice to find

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12. You think stepping on a lego is bad? Try kneeling on one of these.

I'll take the lego any day. Before this happens to you, check out our guide to the best products for knee & joint protection.

Plumbing Meme: You think stepping on a lego is bad? Try kneeling on one of these.

13. Be a plumber! Because yoga costs a fortune

70% of plumbing is just twisting yourself into weird positions

Plumbing Meme: Be a plumber! Because yoga costs a fortune

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14. My customer explaining how they're on their second divorce and entire financial situation while I'm just there for a basic repair

"Oh, wow." – Me, about 12 times during the repair. Sometimes you just have to smile and nod. Want more tips on how to go about building and maintaining customer relationships? Here's our full guide to how to turn a one-off job into a lifelong customer.

Plumbing Meme: My customer explaining how they're on their second divorce and entire financial situation while I'm just there for a basic repair

15. It's an apprenticeship! Stop telling people I'm being potty trained.

Eventually your apprentice just sighs in defeat while you're talking to a customer knowing it's coming.

Plumbing Meme: It's an apprenticeship! Stop telling people I'm being potty trained.

16. Cottonelle Flushable Wipes: Tested With Plumbers

They knew exactly what they were doing.

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17. When the customer wants you to come fix what the cheaper guy did

There need to be degrees in reverse engineering. Do I charge for 1 job or 2? Here's a full guide on how to price plumbing jobs.

Plumbing Meme: Cottonelle Flushable Wipes: Tested With Plumbers

18. Customer > Me > Home Depot

The circle of life. Want to know where your money is going? Check out our blog exposing the tool megabrands.

Plumbing Meme: When the customer wants you to come fix what the cheaper guy did

19. Having a good woman is great but when you find a good helper, hold on to him!

Cherish him. Thankfully with Blue Recruit, good help is easy to find. Click here for the free webinar on finding the best talent in the trades.

Plumbing Meme: Having a good woman is great but when you find a good helper, hold on to him

20. We can't eat here! Did you see the bathroom's grout lines?

You're really going to trust a restaurant like that? Here's a free guide to keep your tools neater than those grout lines.

Plumbing Meme: We can't eat here! Did you see the bathroom's grout lines?

21. What you caulkin' bout Willis

Let's caulk it out

Plumbing Meme: What you caulkin' bout Willis

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22. If you loved your service today, it would help us out if you review your experience on Yelp.

Customer: Suddenly, I can't read. Here's a guide to help you secure more customer reviews, as well as how to respond to a negative review.

Plumbing Meme: If you loved your service today, it would help us out if you review your experience on Yelp

23. I could have done it myself but I just don't have the time

Everyone thinks they're a plumber until it's time to do plumbing. Just in case someone needs a reminder, here's all the plumbing license requirements by state.

Plumbing Meme: I could have done it myself but I just don't have the time

24. Doc, I feel like I'm getting old but I'm only 30.

Plumbing years work like dog years.

Plumbing Meme: Doc, I feel like I'm getting old but I'm only 30.

Want more plumbing jokes and memes? Check out our Facebook!


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